Optimum Communication - Optimum Results
Welcome! You’re finally here!
Yes, we are saying this because we were expecting you. You are that person who doesn’t believe in miracles anymore, or, better said, in miracles performed by men and, obviously, in those advertisers which, without making you move one finger, will exponentially grow your business.
There are training companies which promise the same miracles, but in over 14 years experience in marketing communication we have not met any, even though we worked with over 600 companies.
You have good ideas, do good services or produce something that looks good and you can’t quite believe that your standing still, stutter, are in decline or not even see a future for your business.
We believe that once you’ve opened the “door” of an advertising agency or training and consulting firm in advertising you’re on the right track on looking for an optimal solution for the marketing communnication problems you are facing. Or you just want to start on the right foot your first or newest business.
You feel like you are capable of more and you want to understand the math of things, how to introduce into the ecuation “something”, let’s say some communication strategies and, rigorously, the results to always come out “on plus”.
You say you asked branding companies for a logo design, for graphics on packages, for site design, for various advertising designs, but not many things have changed and you don’t know whose fault it is.
Now you understand why we were looking for you?
Maybe because it looks like a lack of respect for the customer to hide the means by which he can alone assess the quality of an advertising creation, whatever that may be…
We believe that a schooled customer is an earned customer. And if he knows better to assess, that more he'll appreciate the mathematics of communication strategies or marketing tactics by which to operate only in our favour.
Why do you think we are making only champions sites on Google? Especially because we use on one hand forecasts from web analysis, we implement versatile software, we’re making smart web strategies, so through monitoring software SEO and SEM strategies can be checked in real time and corrected as they appear.
Why do you think our PR strategies have made us famous? Only because we have created long impact topics and got the appropiate reactions.
And a PR firm which respects itself should show to clients, at every PR evaluation, which of the PR tactics got results and which shouldn’t be used anymore.
What do you think when, sending 200 invitations to some important people, to a crucial event for you, like say, starting a business, the first 160 confirm on the second day and the rest on the following three days?
No profit is impossible expecially when marketing strategies begin to work through the communication power. However, we do not call these miracles, but merely perseverance ans some controlled differentiation, based on unconventional, but lucid communication.
About the CRISIS only good news! Here’s what EINSTEIN said:“Let’s not pretend that something is changing if we do the same things all the time. The crisis is the most blessed event, which may occur over countries and people, for it entails progress.
Creativity is born of necessity as the day is born of night. During the crisis are born inventions, discoveries and great strategies.
That who exceeds the crisis, exceeds himself without remaining exceeded. Who attribues the failure to the crisis, is threatening his own talent and respects more the problems than the solutions.
The real crisis is the crisis of incompetence...”
The crisis makes us all more pragmatic and more attentive to the waste. That’s why we see it as our chance to show what we are capable of.
Whatever it is, f you love your business, to which you have dedicated yourself with pragmatism and responsibility, this is not the time to bury your dream. Look at it as a living system and give yourself the chance to learn more and more from it.
And when all this will be solved, the key to our success will get new twinkles and you, already added to the list of “happy friends”, you will think of any new or old projects for which the communication problem will not be so hard.
It’s good to see we have the same values!