Branding and strategy
Branding and brand strategies
…we have created so far 52 brands, as you can see bellow.
An Optimum branding and brand strategy relies primarily on well-built brand equity in the context of an efficient and strategic programed marketing communication.
We recommend you to first ask a branding firm for a professional brand audit before reaching more than four employees and before making unnecessary advertising expenses.
Brand strategies can be studied at insects too if we study the bumble bee vs the spider we will see that the first one travels 80-90 miles to pollinate a particular flower and poor thing flyes from one to another and gets bored, while the spider does what? It does a “market research” and doesn’t sit anywhere, puts it’s “shop” just in the right area, then strategically builds the net and just awaits patiently. The brand strategy and the positioning of the spider show us that it doesn’t need more than little patience, right? No luggage, no preparations, no ironed clothes and suitcases. And its storage room is always filled…
Choosing to spend for a cheap branding is, we believe, like the desperate scurry of the bumble bee. If you had made a strategic brand positioning, you brand investments will be, basically, like bank deposits. And your investments in advertising will return tenfold, because they add credibility to the brand construction on a well shaped spiral of communication, like the spider net.
No competitors will try to mingle with simmilar messages, after the “net” you’ve placed because the will feel the force of communication and will not risk embarrassment waiting for something to “leak” to them.
The branding parents say, for example, that if two brands do the same thing, in the same market, the one that says it well, at first, is the one which wins. This doesn’t mean you can do it anyway. And this is where the methods of unconventional advertising, from the arsenal of those who know how to turn any ordinary message into a unique marketing communication, come in.
We believe that the first responsibility of a branding company is to teach its clients that a brand has value only if is viewed through the eyes of the targeted audience.
The way in which we succeed in explaining our layman customers in communication, how important is to create innovative brand strategies, and also how to do the tracking and development of the communication, we believe makes the difference between us and other branding agencies.
The failure of a brand building, as the failure of a brand strategy deriving from it, can cost merely your dream. As the bumble bee which until is exhausted, with no tangible results.
In an economy in permanent reestablishment will remain in effect only those companies that understand and have initiated effective investments in their image, keeping a better visibility than others. Any touch-ups, additions and inconsistencies, do nothing but to erode your credibility or create confusion.
Without the trust invested in us by our clients so far, we’ve definetely wouldn’t have been capable to prove so many brand strategies.
Without their trust, can't be born branding specialists. Few companies understand that we have the same interest, for them to grow, and we can’t afford a failure. How many patients will go on to the surgeon who has more failed than successful surgeries?
The satisfaction to see how only a marketing communication professionally made makes our clients double or triple their turnover and, often, their employees’ number makes us continue and hope in the market education regarding the need to treat branding as an imperative investment.
Etichete: branding agencies , ethic brands , branding consulting , logo design , training companies , marketing positioning